너비 1180px 이상
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하


Sunroktap is a pagoda that cherishes the memory of 10 hospital staff members and one priest, who were taken to the North Korean People’s Army and killed there while protecting 6,000 patients during the Korean War. It was erected on the landing dock of Sorokdo thanks to a benefactor’ charity and volunteer works of hospital staff and patients.

The support of the pagoda is 5m in length and 1m in depth and two pillars stand 5m.

The two pillars located in the middle stands for the Arabic numeral 11, which corresponds to the number of people who died, and the round bomb-shaped sculpture on the upper part symbolizes war.

The name Sun Rok came from Chinese characters and means dying in harness while protecting the Small Deer Island. Epitaph and the list of victims are inscribed on the left and right sides of the pagoda’s front surface.

  • 순록탑