너비 1180px 이상
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하

Regular Monthly Reunion(1950-1960)

In the 1950s-1960s, Sorokdo was divided into administrative staff zone and patient zone by about 2km long wire fence, which was called the border line.

When a baby was born in the patient zone, the baby was sent to a nursery located in the administrative staff zone for fear of infection. Parents were allowed to meet their children only once a month at the opposite side of the border line.

They had to just look at each other while keeping distance under the supervision of administrative staff and could not touch or hug each other. Moreover, children had to stand against the wind and parents had to stand into the wind on fear of infection.

Patients called this place SuTangJang, which meant the place of lamentation.

  • 수탄장

If by god, this is too harsh. If by man, this is too detestable
There is no way out of this mischief
There is no use crying over and over
across this border stained with tears
Being strangers, not knowing where they come from

(Autumn edition of SeongHa published by the Patient Council in 1959)
