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Welfare Service


Guidance for Welfare Service

Welfare service of Sorokdo National Hospitalis concentrated on looking after the patients who are suffering from Hansen's disease or having Hansen's disease history, in the respect of welfare, through supporting their living and aesthetic sentiments.
The hospital is also making great effort to enhance patient's self-supporting ability.

To practice these roles, departments concerned welfare, life-supporting, volunteer and facility management are in charge of promoting welfare missions regarding overall affairs of inpatients, such as, consulting patient's entering/leaving hospital, guiding daily life, supporting rehabilitation, serving nutritious meal, supplying personal care goods, providing welfare allowance, supporting volunteers, improving residential environment.

We are practically utilizing cure community council, resident's self-governing council and gathering for a familiar talk for the inpatient's various opinions to be reflected in improving welfare service.

Especially, we are providing residential environment and meal service in various form according to inpatient's state of health and family composition, and encouraging volunteers for the handicapped or aged inpatients to minimize their discomfort in daily life.

These activities are especially to provide welfare services that best fit inpatient's specific needs.
